Analysis of candidates' sites cuts both ways

all.pngExamining the presidential candidates' web sites is a popular sport for which each journalist invents new rules. In some cases the analysis is skewed by the writer's politics... naturally, or where's the fun? These articles are a tiny sample. explores What colour psychology reveals about the presidential candidates.

Douglass Karr reveals the system and servers used by each candidate:

It’s fascinating to me that the Dems are predominantly Open Source… except for Hillary Clinton and the Republicans are predominantly Microsoft with the exception of Ron Paul, Jim Gilmore, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. I predict Linux will win the election.

Zev Winicur in gets to the nitty-gritty eight paragraphs in to Beyond the issues: Understanding US presidential candidates by viewing their campaign websites.

Heather Hopkins of Hitwise Intelligence analyses the profile of visitors to the McCain, Clinton and Obama web sites. These pretty charts are a chilling reminder of how much information can be gleaned from unwitting surfers.

Rio Akasaka compares home pages for accessibility, validity and speed — not content; opinions on colour schemes sneak in.

The Norman Transcript quotes Oliver Friedrichs: candidates sites are wide open to vandalism and theft.

Chart by Douglas Karr.

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