Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Content"

What online content have you paid for?

This week the New York Times terminated TimesSelect, its paid news service, causing ripples galore. Subscriptions had slowed down, and they are betting that increased advertising income will more than compensate for the loss of revenue. In the early days...


The first 2 spoonfuls give the taste

Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink offers this, among many other interesting notions. When we're eating, the maximum taste experience occurs in the first two spoonfuls. Ever since hearing about this, I've been hyper-aware of taste as I eat, and I...


Adapting content for the iPhone

Craig [tag]Hockenberry[/tag] has a great article on A List Apart about adapting web sites for [tag]iPhone[/tag] delivery: Put your content in my pocket So what does this mean for you? Millions of visitors accessing your content on a small display...