Plain English Week: demand plain English!

Writemark 2009 award sponsor

14-18 September 2009 is plainly a great week to draw the world's attention to plain English.

On Friday, it's the WriteMark New Zealand Plain English Awards—always a brilliant occasion.

Alice and I will provide four prizes. The winners of the following four categories will get access for one staff member to our brand new Contented Diploma in Web Content:

  • Best Plain English Website—Public Sector/Non-Government Organisation
  • Best Plain English Website—Private Sector
  • People’s Choice—best Plain English Website
  • People’s Choice—‘Brainstrain’ Website

All through Plain English Week, remember this:
It's not your fault if you don't get it: tell the writer!

  • Say the magic words, "What do you mean?"
  • If you are given a confusing document to read, ask for a plain English translation.

1 comment

Nov 05, 2009 • Posted by Fat Loss Advice in Plain English | Easy way to Diet

[…] Contented: content that makes people happy » Blog Archive » Plain … […]

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