Contented office art

House and cactus in the sun
The Contented team works from three home offices, and they all contain art. Not art that's of great value on the open market, but art with a personal meaning for a bunch of people fixated on web content. Our idiosyncratic art helps to keep us contented. I dare say it's the same with you.

We decided to share some of it on our FlickR account, starting with a small selection. We'll keep adding photos now and then.

Let me show off a painting by Celia McAlpine when she was—I don't know, four or five, perhaps. That's about 10 years ago. Wild, huh? Luckily she used poster paints that have never faded.

Sun, cactus, and house. Yes, that's a glorious house, that fabulously coloured object on the left. Can't you see the staircase and the chimney? (Celia was most indignant with people who thought it was a Carmen Miranda figure.)

Children paint and write fearlessly, ecstatically. The challenge is to hold on to that energy, colour and life, even while we add layers of skill and discrimination. Not many can do it.

We have tons of advice about how to write well for the Web.

We do say, be a person, be yourself, be clear, be real!

But we never say, be bold, be brave! Go for it! Be a kid!

So that's my message for the day.

Contented People FlickR account, with more office art:

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