Whenever you write instructions, direct or indirect, put the steps in real-life sequence, and number each step.
Here's an example. This is a mixture of direct instructions (steps 1-4, addressed to you), and procedures carried out by other people (steps 5-8).
1. Think of a place or situation where you felt very contented.
2. Study any photographs you have taken of that place or situation, or take a new photo.
3. Send one of these photographs as a jpg to alice@contented.com or rachel@contented.com.
4. Watch the Contented blog and Twitter accounts for news of the winner.
5. On 31 August, 30 September and 31 October, Contented will announce a monthly spot-prize winner, and inform the winner by email.
6. Spot-prize winners can do one of two new courses free: Keywords Everywhere or Formatting Text for the Web.
7. Gaylene Preston will choose the best photo on or soon after 31 October.
8. The winner will get a copy of "Write Me a Web Page, Elsie!" and may do the complete Diploma in Web Content free.
These procedures are for real. So send those photos rolling in. If you've done the Diploma, you can always give your prize to a friend.
Look at the photos in the competition so far, and rel-a-a-x! Don't they make you feel contented too?
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