The training of web content writers is not a flash in the pan. It's still going to be needed in 50 years time. That's my reckless prediction. Here's why I'm sticking my neck out. Around 1996 I began training knowledge...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Writing"
Annual Reports report: 30% pass rate
The New Zealand Securities Commission surveys company financial reports regularly. Oops, 20 of the last year's sample of 30 had problems. This isn't as bad as it seems. Some problems were related to a change in reporting standards, and the...
From data and documents to data in documents
The Document as Application: The Convergence of Document Publishing and Application Development. Jake Sorofman of JustSystems makes some sharp observations in this ContentWrangler article. Here's a sample: Data and documents have generally been isolated from one another. Data is stored...
Analysis of candidates' sites cuts both ways
Examining the presidential candidates' web sites is a popular sport for which each journalist invents new rules. In some cases the analysis is skewed by the writer's politics... naturally, or where's the fun? These articles are a tiny sample.
International Mother Language day
 Since returning from Bangl*desh I've found it hard to settle back into my blog. Wellington seems like a shiny-bright Toytown by comparison -- without any wind-up toys. I love New Zealand and so I'll get over it. Bangla is...