Book titles are hard to write

Scarlet Heels cover

I find writing books easy and fun, but writing a book title terribly painful. (This is Rachel talking, by the way.) And so much depends on the title—sales, for instance! By sheer luck, my latest book has a pretty good title, but it went through the usual hair-raising cycle.

1. While I was writing, the book had a working title: "Mrs Palin Reads a Naughty Story".
2. I got used to it and came dangerously close to using this misguided title for real.
3. I user-tested the title on friends. Someone asked, "But what's the sub-title?" Good question.
4. Just in time I got some radical advice: rip out the first chapter. Result: new title: "Scarlet Heels", sub-title: "26 Stories About Sex".

Does this remind you of editorial processes in your workplace? I figure since I wrote this book all alone for my own amusement, the sloppy development of a title was all part of the fun. But in the workplace, better not leave such things to chance!

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1 comment

Mar 10, 2010 • Posted by Robate

Excellent Opportunity to Study
2) Creativity is a blessing from nature but we can develop it by careful planning through education. This is all the more important in a country like USA where we accept even the mediocre to contribute their best and create something new.
Hence, it is necessary that parents and teachers provide healthy conditions at home and the school. This would enable children to express themselves and contribute something new for the society, which may be termed as creativity……….

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