Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Web 2.0"

Wake up to the new literacy

A writing revolution has been happening over recent years. It's not on show, and it's not happening in the classrooms. On holiday recently I saw it again, under my very nose. Virtually every young guest at the Heilala Holiday Village...


What e-government needs now

A McKinsey Quarterly article on E-government 2.0 concludes that government use of the internet is far from reaching its potential. Jason Baumgarten and Michael Chui look approvingly at early initiatives and coolly at what's happening now: Despite spending enormous amounts...


Flabby job ads on Twitter

Job seekers need facts! It's heartbreaking. Almost heartbraking. The way so many people start their job ads on Twitter with a rave and a ramble about life in general instead of facts. Twitter is a perfect place for job ads....


Community organisations and the Web

Many community organisations have monstrous problems getting a web site at all, let alone one that meets their needs. Any web site running on volunteers has a bundle of problems, starting with a chronic lack of time and money. Yet...