Humans being humans, we tend to believe and cling to the first version of a rule that we hear. Think about the grammar "rules" your granny taught you, such as "Never split an infinitive". That rule never was true or...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Content"
China's answer to YouTube was launched two months after YouTube, so it cannot be regarded as a copycat site. Similarities are obvious but hey, the differences are exciting. It's a cool way to waste time. Clicking away on the home page videos I...
Joy of web and mobile sites
A couple of sites have caught my eye lately, reminding me of one of the great joys of the web: anyone with a passion or a talent or an obsessive hobby can develop a site and share their wares with...
Nielsen on introductions
Summary of the latest Alertbox (and yes, it's a summary, not an introduction): Introductory text on Web pages is usually too long, so users skip it. But short intros can increase usability by explaining the remaining content's purpose. Jakob Nielsen...
Rats! Write content for the customer
Gerry McGovern has tested 18 summaries and 31 headlines in web content over 6 years. 3000 people were asked to scan 31 headlines and 18 summaries about a particular subject and then choose the one that stood out. Now, the...