Most of us feel we have a right to get official information in a form we can understand. But is a law necessary to enforce this? At PLAIN 2009 (just-finished conference in Sydney) the answer was a resounding "yes". Sweden...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "plain English"
Tip: Don't use apostrophes to make words plural
When you make a word plural by adding s, don't use an apostrophe. CORRECT: words, apples, peas, the Joneses, CDs, 1950s. See? It's wrong to write apple's, pea's, CD's, 1950's or PC's. That apostrophe is just downright wrong. People rudely...
Tip: Use the magic word "You"
You is a powerful way to communicate clearly. When a sentence starts with you, that sentence will most probably be easy to understand. Better still, you sentences are easy to write. It’s hard to get into a tangle using the...
Tip: Write quotable headlines
Headlines always matter, whether in a printed article, a document on your shared hard-drive, a blog entry or any other web content whatsoever. Others will re-use your headline, whether you like it or not: on another web site in a...
Gobbledygook Dickens style
Our clt Mr. Jarndyce being abt. to reve into his house, under an Order of the Ct of Chy, a Ward of the Ct in this cause, for whom he wishes to secure an elgble compn, directs us to inform...