Plain English is, by definition, clear to the intended reader. This clarity has a positive impact on efficiency, productivity and customer relations. Famously, plain English also saves money for the organizations with a plain English culture—often hundreds of thousands of...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "plain English"
Writing tip: Use words your readers understand
Use the vocabulary of your reader. That's a key factor in plain language. If you are writing for children, use words they understand. If you are writing for doctors, use correct medical terms. If you are writing for the general...
Fatal-free adjective: plain wrong or new and shiny?
When I comment on a surprising phrase, I'm usually more interested than judgemental. Was this a deliberately coined new expression? (Unlikely.) Was it a mistake? (Probably.) Either way, will it become popular? This morning I was watching the 7 AM...
For goodness sake: a Ruby poem
For all you know I spend my entire life blogging, working on the Contented business, and tweeting. But I am a poet too, and I have a sudden urge to publish a Ruby poem right here. Ruby is one of...
Two writers talk about structure
A 5-day road trip around Malaysia gave me and my friend Raewyn ample time for talking about life, the universe, and writing. Raewyn is ready to redraft her first novel, and I'm writing two new online courses for Contented (Write...