Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "conference"
After the conference, what sticks in the memory? PLAIN 2013
PLAIN 2013, an international gathering of plain language practitioners. What stays in my mind, 10 days later?
Seven decades, seven lessons for writers
I’m gearing up for Vancouver’s PLAIN2013 conference in October, and getting a bit excited. All the speakers have been asked to answer three questions for the conference blog:
- Why is plain language important in your work?
- What is your presentation focus, and what are some of the key points participants will learn?
- What is the best plain language advice you can give?
Publishing revolution: learnings from the Frankfurt Book Fair
Rachel McAlpine visits the Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 and shares her top 10 insights about the book publishing industry.
An author's just-in-time strategy for the Frankfurt Book Fair
OK, it's a well-known fact among my friends that I (Rachel) am going to the Frankfurt Book Fair. (Along with 280,000 others.) My excuse: New Zealand is the Guest of Honour and my excellent, outstanding, frivolous book Scarlet Heels: 26 Stories About Sex is in the New Zealand Society of Authors' catalogue.
What's my strategy? It's been slippery but finally, two weeks before the event, I'm getting my head straight.
- Have a great time and go with the flow.
- Stop, look and listen: the Fair is an information machine.
- Find a publisher or agent or both for Scarlet Heels, but never mind if I don't.
- Gather information relevant to Global English for Global Business.
- Get over myself!