Recently I attended a delightful wedding. It was perfect. Admittedly there were flaws, such as a cold and windy day, and the bride's boat being stranded in Lyttelton Harbour. But the flaws just added to the perfection. (The clouds were...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Writing"
Tip: Use common words whenever possible
Whenever possible, use common words. Words that nearly every adult is likely to understand. Words that don't require a trip to the dictionary. Your aim in all business and professional writing is to get your message across quickly and clearly....
Tip: Check optional spellings in your style guide
Many words have optional spellings: several versions are correct. Which one will you use? Online or on-line? web or Web? realise or realize? In such cases, consistency rules. Your personal preference is irrelevant. Somewhere in your (client's) organisation is an...
12 jobs open to a trained website editor
To many people, training as a website editor still seems irrelevant to their working life. Even professional editors don't always get the point. So we thought we'd list some of the positions that open up to someone trained as a...
Tip: use Styles whenever you write in Word
Way back in the dark ages, MS Word invented Styles. And writers were consistently, perversely, ignorantly ignoring Styles. To be fair, nobody ever told them about Styles. Maybe nobody has told you. If not, let me do the honours.
Styles is not about tinkering with the appearance of every word, making it up as you go alone. Styles is about consistent formatting.