You're trying to decipher the point of a web page. Your eyes glaze over. Or they wander over the page in search of something that makes sense. Send us the worst sentence you've seen on a web site. Maybe it's...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Writing"
Search engines 10: humans nil
Who are you writing content for, anyway? Search engines or humans? When the two audiences get out of whack, language gets slaughtered and humans flee. Read Rob Garner on Search Insider. His article is called, 'Search engine-friendly' copywriting is often...
Women's magazines: Graham Rawle tangles an unbroken line
With what smug delight I read The Girls' Empire. An Annual Volume for English-speaking Girls all over the World. It appears to be a reproduction of a genuine annual first published in 1903. What girl is there who has not...
Down with blah blah blah
The WriteMark Plain English Conference and Awards 2007 was an invigorating bash. And that's a compliment: you can't always say that about a conference. Highlights for me ... MCs Duncan Sarkies and Lee Hatherly amused us throughout the day, and...
Mnemonic for content authors
Right over left and under, left over right and under Slow, slow, quick quick slow In, round, through, out These memory aids are burned into my brain. I'm sure you know dozens of others: little sayings that help you remember...