Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Writing"

Adapting content for the iPhone

Craig [tag]Hockenberry[/tag] has a great article on A List Apart about adapting web sites for [tag]iPhone[/tag] delivery: Put your content in my pocket So what does this mean for you? Millions of visitors accessing your content on a small display...


Future proofing business content

10 Future Web Trends are astutely summarised by Richard MacManus on [tag]Read/WriteWeb[/tag] . Most of these trends have obvious implications for business writers of web content sooner or later. Much web content consists of business documents, written by people at...


Can't see the stars for the pixels

First, a declaration of assets: I enjoy thinking about linguistic niceties including grammar. But I groan at every spate of letters to the editor about [tag]grammar[/tag] or punctuation. I'd rather consult my own reference books than be ticked off by...