[tag]Jakob Nielsen[/tag] reveals something he would rather people didn't know, in the interests of truth. A fact's a fact, and ultimately there are no secrets in usability testing. Nielsen confirms for the umpteenth time that people ignore anything that looks...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Writing"
Victory to Kiwis in 24-hour challenge
Both [tag]FullCodePress[/tag] teams performed amazingly but... The CodeBlacks have won FullCodePress! In an extremely close decision, the judges have gone with the New Zealand team. Judges commented on how well both sides have performed, especially given the nature of the...
Extreme skim-reading and how to do it
Do you get frustrated with the time it takes to skim-read RSS feeds? Or do you just get over it? I'm now using [tag]Google Reader[/tag], and finding it convenient. It means I have one less bit of software to handle,...
How long is a blog entry?
Recently two highly successful people have given unflinching advice on how much to write at a time. First off the block on 9 July was Jakob Nielsen. We respect him, don't we, mostly? Nielsen's article Write articles not blog postings...
Writer listed first in NZ FullCodePress team
Given the dastardly quotes in my recent post Bother, we forgot to write content, this headline is thrilling. Please don't tell me the placement of Peter Johnston, Writer, at the top of the New Zealand team happened by coincidence: no...