Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Tips"

Tip: use Styles whenever you write in Word

Way back in the dark ages, MS Word invented Styles. And writers were consistently, perversely, ignorantly ignoring Styles. To be fair, nobody ever told them about Styles. Maybe nobody has told you. If not, let me do the honours.

Styles is not about tinkering with the appearance of every word, making it up as you go alone. Styles is about consistent formatting.


Tip: Stop confusing its and it's

How do you know when its needs an apostrophe? This is one of the commonest errors — but you can get this right! Here's a new way to remember the difference. Its and it's belong to two different families. One...


Tip: Use positive language

If you want to communicate clearly, use positive language. This is a basic guideline for writing plain language. Negative language is inherently difficult to use because it has: • conceptual difficulties (you may be writing about something nonexistent) • psychological...