Richard Dennison has written a blog post
that summarises nicely the differences between a home page for an intranet and for a digital workplace. Use it at work as a reminder, teaching tool and bomb.Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "intranet"
When web accessibility goes down the drain
We work with many government agencies on web accessibility. And sure, our whizz-bang accessibility experts can get your web sites to comply with national web standards, whether that's S. 508 or WCAG 2.0 or some other variation. So what's the problem?
Save your intranet project: start training content authors today
Your intranet is being redeveloped. Everything is going OK except for the content, which is unsatisfactory, late or non-existent. Start training them tomorrow, and make everyone happy.
"Write" (no) "Me" (no) "a Web Page" (no): all business writing is content
Business writing has changed into something unrecognisable: content. The ironic book title Write me a web page, Elsie! reflects a 20th century viewpoint and a world that has gone forever.
The manager who says, Write me a web page, Elsie! has no concept of the nature of the internet. As content strategy, Write me a web page is disastrous. It generates ROT, it undermines information architecture, it ignores accessibility, it stomps on customer service.
New year resolution for small business: 3 wins in 3 months
Pondering new year resolutions for work? James Robertson of Step Two Designs offers an excellent suggestion. It's aimed at intranet teams, but equally applies to any small business. It certainly fits our business, which is all about web-based training and accessibility services.