Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "Training"
Up to now web accessibility has been the poor little Cinderella of technology, dressed in rags, struggling, cleaning up other people's messes and getting not an ounce of thanks or glory. That just changed.
Spot-check your own web content
We all hope and trust that our content authors are creating findable, usable, valuable content for both web and mobile. But how can we be sure? Here's a quick way to spot-check your own web content without user-testing.
Google boosts ranking of mobile-friendly pages for smartphone searchers
Since April 21, Google has expanded its use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. They say, "This change ... will have a significant impact in our search results." Wow. Huge implications for web designers, content managers, content strategists and web writers.
When web accessibility goes down the drain
We work with many government agencies on web accessibility. And sure, our whizz-bang accessibility experts can get your web sites to comply with national web standards, whether that's S. 508 or WCAG 2.0 or some other variation. So what's the problem?
Save your intranet project: start training content authors today
Your intranet is being redeveloped. Everything is going OK except for the content, which is unsatisfactory, late or non-existent. Start training them tomorrow, and make everyone happy.