Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Writing"

Contented: a proud New Zealand company

Many people do our online courses in digital business writing without realising that Contented is a New Zealand company. 

We travel a fair bit and we have customers in more than 50 countries. But we certainly are proud Kiwis, and typifies many aspects of the New Zealand way.


How much is a web writer paid?

Rachel answers an email question about web writing wages, salaries and potential earnings: I am a student in Writing for the Web here in Nashville Tennessee. My teacher is Endora Feisk. We are using your book, Write me a web page Elsie. I asked my teacher about what a person charges for web writing and she told me to ask you? So I am wondering if you can answer that question for me? Thanks and I appreciate your answer.


Seven decades, seven lessons for writers

I’m gearing up for Vancouver’s PLAIN2013 conference in October, and getting a bit excited. All the speakers have been asked to answer three questions for the conference blog:

  1. Why is plain language important in your work?
  2. What is your presentation focus, and what are some of the key points participants will learn?
  3. What is the best plain language advice you can give?