Facebook: it's all about you—yes you—and us too! You probably write or manage content of some sort, like most Contented readers, and that's certainly a big part of what we do here at Contented. By now, we're all aware that...
Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights
Posts tagged "social media"
How to get exclusive news stories: retweetable tweets
On Twitter, the very latest unique news is highly desirable content. This kind of content is frequently retweeted. But if you are not a news agency or journalist, how do you find these exclusive stories? Keep your eyes and ears...
Happy Facebook birthday!
Larry Brauner is 58 this week. And he's celebrating for four days with a virtual birthday party on Facebook. Larry's Facebook party Now, I have no idea what fizzbang shenanigans are planned, but the very idea is an example of...
FullCodePress: watch and wonder
Yesterday [tag]FullCodePress[/tag] started with a hiss and a roar, and all too soon it will be over. Teams from Australia and New Zealand have 24 hours to create a web site for a non-profit organisation. Easy, unless you want an...
Web 2.0 podcasting
I was wondering whether podcasting had gone Web 2.0. And sure enough, there's a lovely New Zealand site, BigPod.co.nz, where you can make and publish podcasts without having the necessary software on your own computer. BigPod asks politely whether it...