Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Writing"

Customized online training courses in web writing, business writing or accessible content

“We require branded, tailored, customized courses in web writing (or business writing) (or accessible content). We want to host the courses ourselves and own the IP.”

Almost every week we get this kind of request from managers in organisations small, large, or very large.

Nearly always, we reply, “Sure. We could do that. But are you quite, quite certain your training needs to be customized? Try Contented first. And do the arithmetic.”


Writing tip: If you read and write for work, read for pleasure too

You may wonder why we sometimes mention fiction on this business blog.

Simple. If you write at work, you need to write clearly and efficiently, and reading is essential for honing any writer's skills and sensitivities.

Stephen King said, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write." He was talking to so-called creative writers, but the same rule applies to everyone who writes at work.


Confession: we do provide web technical writing, content strategy and web accessibility services

Today we received a very nice birthday present, one that any six-year-old would be delighted to receive:
Contented appointed to Government syndicated panel of common web services

Now we are six, we have a confession to make.

For years we have been providing many web services such as content strategy, accessibility audits, writing accessible content, and content project management.