Blog: Content writing and content strategy insights

Posts tagged "Tips"

Is your web content like spaghetti — all tangled and full of confusing navigation loops? 🍝

Is your web content like spaghetti — all tangled and full of confusing navigation loops? 🍝

We all love spaghetti — it’s fun to twirl on a fork and spool into your mouth. But do you know the expression “spaghetti code”? It’s a disparaging phrase programmers give to poor source code, that is twisted and tangled like a bowl of pasta. Corporate web content can easily become like spaghetti too, and that’s typically when web writers are called in to fix it.

This blog offers content designers and web writers a roll-your-sleeves-up method for untangling twisted content. It is particularly beneficial for digital content projects where timeframes, budgets and subject matter experts are under pressure.


Writing tip: Editing web content

Editing is always a step-by-step process. And always you start by asking the big questions, such as:

  • Is this web page really necessary?
  • What is this page for? 
  • Who needs it?
  • Is the same information on another page?
  • What do you want people to do after reading this page?
At work when the pressure’s on, what do you do? You apply the 80:20 principle: you skip to a simple Contented system that will fix the majority of problems very fast.